Lime Ridge Open Space
Fast Facts
Location: Walnut Creek
Habitat: Rolling hills, grassland, oak trees
Key Species: Alameda Whipsnake, Blainville's Horned Lizard
The Lime Ridge Open Space, shared by Walnut Creek and Concord, is home to many beautiful nature trails, rolling hills, and a diversity of wildlife. The name came from years of lime mining, as the area was once flooded with shallow seas and lime sediments, but has since grown an abundance of grasses, trees, and flowers. The dirt trails lead to ponds, savannas, and gorgeous views of Mount Diablo, and are perfect for dog walking or daily hikes.
Lime Ridge spans from south Concord to Walnut Creek, from Cowell Road to North of Ygnacio Valley Road and nearly the foothills of Mount Diablo. Major accesses are the parking lot northwest of Treat Boulevard and Valley Vista Road near the Boundary Oaks Golf Course. Another entrances is through the gate at the end of Timberleaf Court, Walnut Creek.
Two new plant species, the Lime Ridge Navarretia (Navarretia gowenii) and the Lime Ridge Woollystar (Eriastrum sp.) were discovered here in 2008.
Some species found here include:
- Mammals: Coyote, Bobcat, Puma, Black-tailed Deer
- Birds: Bewick's Wren, Rufous-crowned Sparrow
- Reptiles: Alameda Whipsnake, Blainville's Horned Lizard, Western Fence Lizard
- Amphibians: Western Toad, Pacific Chorus Frog
- Insects: butterflies, dragonflies, grasshoppers

Bewick's Wren - Thryomanes bewickii
Articles and Links
- City of Walnut Creek official page on Lime Ridge with minimal information
- Historical, including geologic, information about Lime Ridge from Mount Diablo Interpretive Association, 1997
- A Summer Afternoon in Lime Ridge - blog post dated 5 July 2011.
- Field trip to Lime Ridge, Walnut Creek - blog post dated 2 July 2009.
- Press release with details about the discovery of the Lime Ridge Navarretia and the Lime Ridge Woollystar in 2008