Other Wildlife Related Links for San Francisco Bay Area

Lindsay Museum (Walnut Creek)
- Our own - blog.sfbaywildlife.info
- Wildlifist by Randall Finley - "Stories and photos of wildlife encounters in Northern California and beyond". You can use the Categories like Bay Area or Monterey to find posts for the Bay area.
- The Owl and the Wildcat by Jen Joynt - "Photos and stories of my adventures searching for owls, wildcats, and wildlife in the San Francisco Bay Area".
- Growing Wild - Stephanie Penn's photographic essays highlighting the San Francisco Bay Area's open spaces, the plants and wildlife that inhabit them, and stories about the people who make these spaces possible.
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Photo Collections
- iNaturalist's collection of wildlife photos - nice sections for Spiders and Insects.
- California Wildflowers interactive guide by California Academy of Sciences. Look up flowers by color or name.
- California Native Plant Society East Bay Chapter - Alameda and Contra Costa Counties (East Bay)
- California Native Plant Society Chapter - Marin County
- California Native Plant Society Chapter - San Francisco
- California Native Plant Society Chapter - Santa Clara Valley
- California Native Plant Society Chapter - Sonoma County
- California Native Plant Society Chapter - Solano County
- Native Here Nursery - Your resource for plants that grow naturally in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties.
Birding Resources
- Birding photo quiz site created by local birder Jim Gray.