
Wildlife related News in the San Francisco Bay Area
Please send us any news items that you think should be included here -
- Fish and Wildlife gets approval to restore (Suisun) marsh, mercurynews.com, 10 Aug, 2010
- New Dublin Hills park offers panoramic views, Contra Costa Times, 26 July, 2010
- 'Neighborhood coyotes' finding new homes in West Valley's suburban areas, mercurynews.com, 24 Jun, 2010
- Scientists gather in Oakland to discuss impact of bay dredging on wildlife, Oakland North News, 25 May, 2010
- California argues against policy which would eliminate some riverside habitat along levees, Contra Costa Times, 3 May, 2010
- New Marine Protected Areas go into effect for north central California coastline, California Department of Fish and Game, 1 May, 2010
- Condor hatches at Pinnacles National Monument for first time in 100 years, San Jose Mercury News, 7 Apr, 2010
- New protections set for Twain's jumping frog, San Jose Mercury News, 16 Mar, 2010
Conservation measures for the Red-legged Frog.
- Signatures being gathered in Marin, around California to support state parks, Contra Costa Times, 3 Mar, 2010
- Trust helping to preserve ranchlands -- and wildlife, Contra Costa Times, 16 Feb, 2010
- Brown pelicans washing up dead and dying on California beaches, San Jose Mercury News, 15 Feb, 2010
- Many State Parks keep hours despite cutbacks, SFGate, 3 Dec, 2009
- 2 new lawsuits to save S.F.Bay-delta smelt, SFGate, 15 Nov, 2009
- East Bay Parks buys ranch near Pleasanton, SFGate, 22 Oct, 2009
- Save Mount Diablo signs agreement to acquire a 165 acre property on the slopes of Mt. Diablo's North Peak, 11 Sep, 2009.
- Petaluma group badgers officials for open space, by Carolyn Jones, SFGate, 24 Aug, 2009
Paula Lane Action Network, a grassroots group in Petaluma, is trying to arrange for the purchase of 11 acres of American Badger habitat in western Petaluma.
- Sonoma Salamander battle expected to heat up, by Peter Fimrite, SFGate, 19 Aug, 2009
The Obama administration's decision to preserve land in Sonoma county for Tiger Salamanders is open for public comment.
- Young porpoise dies after rescue from creek, SFGate, 7 Aug, 2009
- Coyote Valley Vital as Wildlife Corridor, SFGate, 16 Jul, 2009
- EPA ready to settle Bay Area pesticide suit, by Jane Kay, SFGate, 1 Jul, 2009.
The EPA will settle a lawsuit filed by the Center for Biological Diversity which will result in added protection against pesticide damage for bay area species.
- Nonprofit to buy aquarium at Pier 39, SFGate, 11 Jun, 2009.
The nonprofit Bay Institute will buy San Francisco's Aquarium of the Bay for $9.5 million.
- Farallon Islands wildlife rebounds after a century of sanctuary, by Suzanne Bohan, Contra Costa Times, June 9, 2009.
- Quarry Agreement Enhances Environment, The Independent, 28 May, 2009.
Two conservation groups, the Center for Biological Diversity and the Alameda Creek Alliance, announced a historic cooperative conservation agreement, with Oliver de Silva, Inc., a mining company, for two quarry projects in the Sunol area - the Apperson Ridge Quarry and the Sunol Valley Quarry.
- Three girls and a boy for SJ falcons, abc7news.com, 15 May, 2009. Baby Peregrine Falcons in downtown San Jose.
- Obama administration tries to save local salamander, SFGate, 8 May, 2009. Setting aside habitat in Sonoma county for the California Tiger Salamander.
- Hundreds of dead birds on Bay Area beaches, SFGate, 2 May, 2009.
- Vineyard manager uses bluebirds to control blue-green sharpshooters, By John Lindblom, The Weekly Calistogan, April 9, 2009.
- Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area Receives $425K for Wetlands Restoration, Yubanet.com, Mar 19, 2009.
- Rossmoor, a retirement community, located in the Walnut Creek area, votes to shoot more Acorn Woodpeckers
- See the results of the Great Backyard Bird Count which took place from Feb 13-16. You can see the results for specific localities like
San Jose or
San Francisco.
- Two New Plant Species Discovered in Lime Ridge Open Space, Save Mount Diablo, Jun 12, 2008.
- Steelhead Trout Get Annual Helping Hand Up Alameda Creek, Feb 26th, 2008.