San Francisco Bay Wildlife
Wildlife of the San Francisco Bay Area


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Two-tailed Swallowtail
Two-tailed Swallowtail - Papilio multicaudata
Mount Diablo State Park

Red Admiral
Red Admiral - Vanessa atalanta
Joaquin Miller Park

Gorgon Copper
Gorgon Copper - Lycaena gorgon
Mount Diablo State Park

Golden Hairstreak
Golden Hairstreak - Habrodais grunus
Long Ridge Open Space Preserve

Butterfly Counts in San Francisco Bay Area and Northern/Central California

Annual butterfly counts are organized by the North American Butterfly Association (NABA). Count circles are 15 miles in diameter. Counts for the greater Bay area are listed below. Please contact the compiler for a particular count if you are interested in participating.

For information about Butterflies of the Bay area see the Butterflies page.

Updated for 2024

Greater Bay Area

Location Date Compiler (Organizer) Contact Info Highlights
Pinnacles National Park 2 June Paul Johnson paul_johnson(at) 40 species and 4 national high counts in 2020. National Park information.
Mount Diablo 3 June Rich Kelson rkelson(at) 33 species and 5 national highs in 2020. State Park information.
Big Creek (Big Sur) 7 June Mark Readdie readdie(at) Gorgeous UC Nature Reserve
Hastings Reservation 8 June Chris Tenney, Paul Johnson tenneyx2(at), pjpolliwog(at) Unsilvered Fritillary, a nationally unique species. 43 species and 5 national highs in 2020. Hastings is part of the University of California Natural Reserve System.
Monterey 9 June Chris Tenney tenneyx2(at) 43 species and 3 national highs in 2020
Berkeley 13 June Paul Johnson pjpolliwog(at) Oldest California count; 33 species in 2020
Benicia 14 June Paul Johnson paul_johnson(at) Yuma Skipper and 5 swallowtail species found here
Marin County 15 June Wendy Dreskin bdreskin(at) Area stretches from Audubon Canyon Ranch to Ring Mountain Preserve
San Francisco 16 June Liam O'Brien liammail56(at) 31 species and 2 national highs in 2020.

Farther afield in Northern and Central California

Location Date Compiler (Organizer) Contact Info Highlights
Big Chico Creek 1 June Don Miller DGMiller(at) At a CSU Reserve
Cosumnes River Preserve 15 June Kathy Schick kaschick(at) At a Central Valley Nature Conservancy preserve
San Joaquin County 16 June Kathy Schick kaschick(at) 44th year of this count
Warner Mountains North 22 June Joseph Smith foxglove1985(at) 85 species in 2018 (highest in nation); 20 national highs
Yuba Pass 10 July Paul Johnson pjpolliwog(at) 66 species and 7 national highs in 2020
Butterfly Valley 11 July Chris Tenney tenneyx2(at) 54 species and 3 national highs in 2020. Butterfly Valley Botanical Area information.
Mount Shasta 13 July Erica Harris ericaharris79(at) 1st year of this count! Mount Shasta information
South Lake Tahoe 21 July Will Richardson will(at) Lake Tahoe information
Glass Mountain 27 July Paul McFarland pmcfarland395(at) 40 species and 9 national highs in 2020. Glass Mountain information.
Yosemite NP 29 July Sarah Stock Sarah_stock(at) 75 species in 2019; 15 national highs. Yosemite National Park information.
White Mountains 31 July Paul Johnson pjpolliwog(at) 19 species and 6 national highs in 2020. White Mountains information.

Juba Skipper
Juba Skipper - Hesperia juba
Sonora Pass

Juba Skipper
Nelson's Hairstreak - Callophrys nelsoni
Lassen National Forest

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